Friday, September 08, 2006

Back At The Ranch

…meanwhile back at the Ranch. The Names and places in the story you are about to hear are not fiction. None of them have been changed to protect any ones identity or moral character or lack of having any common sense. This is the real world and the life and times of the fucked up people in it. Las Vegas, Nevada. SouthEast Area Comand.

Here’s a brief summury of events as my memory recalls since we last saw each other. ~ It was a Friday and I had told you if you where going to be a thief you where not welcome in my home to hang out because I didn’t intnend on going backwards and you where determined to. You left and that was the last time I saw you. Than evening I was admitted into the hospital where I stayed until Tuesday. When I got out I heard you where in jail and I felt guilty for telling you that you could not hang at my house. But don’t worry. I got over that guilt real fast realizing you where bound and determined to go anyway.

Nothing much changed over the next few months except me being in and out of the hospital a lot for stupid shit. I finally got used to my meds and today I am doing great. I am Undetectable and healthy. Yaay!! Linda continued to bounce between Rick and Duffy. Bobbie went down shortly after you did and yes the woman you been writing to is her. I don’t know when she gets out. I haven’t made it my business. That crowd totally vanished. Dope prices then sky rocketed and have maintained unbelievable prices ever since. I’m talking 100 T, 200 ball yadi yadi yadi. The neighborhood has gotten worse. Its not even safe to walk to 7-11 from my house sometimes.

Thrusting into the spring, like I always do April was about to arrive so let me bring you up to speed. I have finally gotten my health under control. No Hospitals doing great. Linda finally has had enough of Duffy and leaves him. She gets a good job at Circle K and I am up her ass constantly taking her and picking her up from work not giving her a moment to sit around and think about Duffy. This was the 11th time she tried to make it with him and failed. I told her that if she did it again I was done with her and I ment it. I can deal with ignorance but I can not deal with stupidity. She never went back to him again.

A time to learn. My self worth and self esteem has been on the rise. I’ve been learning a lot with my friend and mentor, companion Leo. You may remember me mentioning him. He has 2 masters and a phd. He is a Shrink works at a psychiatric hospital. He’s into Meta Physics, Belief Systems, and he is a third degree Pegan. I have learned with him for 14 months now. I have become aware of self and everything around me, yes even when I’m not high 

For some reason Pat started getting closer to me and I brought him and linda back to speaking turns. Pat and I where on the way back from scoring one night when I told him a lot of things where about to happen in his life and what ever happened I wanted him to know I would be there for him. I told him what ever you do don’t get your self locked up with your anger or range. I didn’t know exactly what was about to unfild. I just knew it wasn’t gonna be pretty.

Pats dad sold the house they lived in. Janice had left hm and moved in with another man and Pat took care of his dad for months waiting on him hand and foot. He got pretty sick. Him and pat moved into an apartment where Pat took care of him. Then pats dad got better for a few weeks in wich time he took care of all his loose ends and made arrangements that needed to be made and so forth. A week later April 3, 2006 pats father passed away in his apartment monitored by home helath care. Things where about to change drastically for Pat.

Janice’s sister came down for the death. They got Janice all fucked up. Tried their dammdest to get Pat locked up or committed. They took control of the estate. Cut pat off completely . He lost the apartment and everyone in his family turned against him over money. Left him alone, cold stone on the street. It was terrible. Pat was and still is an emotional wreck. Everyone had turned their back on him . he had no where to go but sleep in the park.

Captain Sava-Ho to the rescue. Pat stayed here up until this week. I think he found some work. We got way to close. It started out one night when me, pat Linda got some really good shit an dwhen me and Pat did it we looked at Linda and the three way she always drempt of was on. Well that was a mistake. It was fun the first few times but now Linda won’t have anything to do with Pat after we let her watch me fuck him. Another mistake. Now Pats all over me like white on rice. All touchy feely and shit and I just wish it could go back to the way it used to be because I have known Pat for 5 years and this aint the Pat I know. But God damm John that boy has a tight hole WOOF! Err But anyway…..

Linda won $500 and smoked it up. Didn’t take care of her warrants for child support. They picked her up today. She is in CCDC. I have no idea how long she will be there.

OK there’s your briefing my figures are tired. I will fill you in later. So since your parole went thru I assume you will be out in 4 months? Whets your plans? How you been. Been getting your dick sucked good in there? Tell me whets up with you. Catha later bro.

Love Ya!,
